August 21, 2023
Greetings from other people,
You are a gift. It delights me to write that.

For as long as I have been writing to you, my friend, my purpose has been to create a small space each week where we can find a little balance to the rigors that life presents. In truth, these notes are also reminders for me to pay attention to the beauty and joy in each day.
This morning I woke thinking of some of the best parts of the last week, and nearly all of them were because of other people. It was a good exercise, and it led me to the idea that we are the other people too. We are a gift to those we meet. Somewhere, someone is waking up remembering how you were the best part of a day last week. Thank you for that.
We can do even more.
I respect you and know that you already know these things, but everyone needs a reminder from time to time, and I want it to be as easy as possible. So, here are three things to make this week better for the other people you meet. I automatically know this is something you want to do.
One. Expect better of everyone.
Whatever accumulates in our experience that causes us to judge and be critical, cynical, and to plan for disappointment, needs to be sifted out with this wonderful truth: other people are amazing. Don’t live in the exceptions that might happen. Believe in what is possible.
This sets the stage for you to know that all of this is worth your gifts, and your energy. If we simply expect everyone to behave like good humans, we will see more of that in each day, in each person. It will renew our faith in humanity.
It creates the respect that is due to our companions on this blue marble. It is what we hope we will have in common with everyone we meet. We believe in each other’s value, our beauty, our abilities, our intelligence.
Tip: Think of everyone as somebody’s best friend.
Two. Be curious.
Find out more about everyone, ask questions and listen to the answers. Pay attention to what they say matters to them. Listen without the filter that sometimes slips over us.
Everyone is lifted up when someone shows genuine interest in what matters to them. We are made better too. We learn about others, we erode barriers, and create understanding. Empathy is a superpower. The more you learn about other people, the more likely you will care about them.
At the heart of making a positive difference in someone’s day is the desire to know them, to understand what is important to them, and acknowledge and honor that. It requires that we invest ourselves in learning about them.
Tip: Put your phone away.
Three. Offer your best to everyone.
Offer the best version of you. That will take some preparation, even though you really are spectacular. Some mornings might be more challenging, and so you might need to have a little chat with yourself, update your resume, so to speak.
Be kind. Be generous. Be patient. Be forgiving. Be excellent. Be selfless. Be optimistic. Be hopeful. Be fun. Be willing. Be open. (So you know, this goes on your permanent record that follows you for the rest of your life.)
All of these qualities already exist in you. They can be instinctual, but it takes practice. Sometimes we don’t try because we are too busy being cynical or selfish, which is not our natural state, but sometimes thrust on us. I’m speaking from personal experience.
Tip: Think about your input.
Three things that you could focus on to make this week better for the other people we meet. All are easy to do, and all are easy to not do. We just have to decide if we want to be part of making our world a better place to be. It seems like a clear choice, but someone has to start.
Most of you have already figured that on the way to making the week better for others, we make it better for ourselves, first. Expect to see good in others and we see it, and our day is filled with great experiences. Be the kind of person who is curious, and enrich every moment with what you learn. Focus on being our best selves and feel the satisfaction of living as we were created to be.
You are a gift, first to you, then to the other people you meet.
Hope this finds you being the change,
Copyright © 2023 David Smith