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Sibling Rivalry

April 8, 2024


Greetings from the sibling rivalry,


Luna Tunes: You up?

Sol Sister: (…)

Luna Tunes: HEY!

Sol Sister: stoppit. im slepng

Luna Tunes: Are you about ready?  I want to get going.

Sol Sister: lemme be. I was up late

Luna Tunes: Party?

Sol Sister: DST.

Luna Tunes: ?????

Sol Sister: Seriously?  Daylight Savings Time.  I know it doesn’t matter to you but I have a day job. And they just put me on this new schedule, and it is brutal.

Luna Tunes: Sheesh. You seem down.

Sol Sister: It’s because I’m not UP!!  I don’t get up until 7:01

Luna Tunes: That’s in four minutes.  I’m up now and it’s awesome.  You should roll out.

Sol Sister: How many times have I told you?  It doesn’t work like that.  I can’t just show up whenever.  I’m not like you. You can do whatever, day, night, and no one cares.

Luna Tunes: Harsh.  I just love talking to you first thing. Reminds me how happy our childhood was.  I can’t believe mom liked you better.

Sol Sister: Not my fault.  You were always going through phases.

Luna Tunes: You aren’t even going to pretend? At least she SAID liked us both the same.

Sol Sister: She said I always brightened up her day.

Luna Tunes: Eccch, that again. Are we going to meet later?

Sol Sister: Do you ever read what I send you?  I work today.  It’s a marathon this time of year, I am on all day, til like 8:06.  Plus after I got all that work on the west end to pretty up.

Luna Tunes: Not like I want to make you look bad, but it’s been on the calendar.  Eclipse.

Sol Sister: OMG.  Shuttup. That’s today??

Luna Tunes: Look, I can cancel, but I think someone is going to notice.

Sol Sister: This is so bad.  I am not ready AT ALL.

Luna Tunes: Ready?  I’m doing all the work.  All you have to do is look pretty.  Surprise.

Sol Sister: It is not that simple.  Just because you don’t care how you look in the morning…

Luna Tunes: I do have some questions.  But I don’t want you to get pissy.

Sol Sister: What? I’m not going to get pissy.  I’m having coffee.

Luna Tunes: Well alright, I don’t get the concept.  Not that I don’t like upstaging you, but seriously how is it even possible.  I mean do the math.

Sol Sister: What math?

Luna Tunes: Do NOT climb down my throat. But look, you are WAY wider than I am.  How is it I am going to cover your shape?

Sol Sister: What the hell are you talking about?

Luna Tunes: It’s a physical fact.  You are 400 times wider than me and I don’t see…

Sol Sister: You know I have a condition.  You KNOW I was born this way.  Mom said that I have a lot of gas.

Luna Tunes: Girl, I wouldn’t lead with that.  Did you write that in your yearbook? 

Sol Sister: I hate you.  Why are you starting my day this way?  I have to get my corona on.

Luna Tunes: I’m supposed to somehow cover your massive expanse when I am like this speck in comparison? 

Sol Sister: I know I’m older and supposed to set an example, but if you were any more dense you’d be Kepler 10b.

Luna Tunes: Seriously, what idiot is going to believe that petite little me is going to somehow just slide in front of you and keep your warm brilliance from making the world a better place?

Sol Sister: How many times do we have to go over this? It is a perspective thing.  No one really believes that you are going to block me out, it’s just how it appears, how it seems to a few people in a really narrow strip of reality.

Luna Tunes: So it’s a scam?

Sol Sister: In a way, well, it’s just theater.  I mean, I don’t want to sound petty, but the whole reason anyone is going to be looking up is to see me.  They know I’ll be the only star, but just having your contrast there, well, that’s what makes me more…interesting.

Luna Tunes: I’m gagging.  Do you hear yourself?  Sheesh, you’re not the center of the universe.

Sol Sister: Well, that’s true, but you can’t deny that everything seems to revolve around me.

Luna Tunes: Do you talk to other people like this?  Because you sound like a sociopath.

Sol Sister: Look I know you hate it that everyone is attracted to me. Maybe if you weren’t brooding all the time, doing that goth thing, someone would pay attention to you.  You’re just so cold to everyone.

Luna Tunes: That’s not my fault, it’s the environment I was raised in. But let me tell you, the tide is going to turn, just wait.

Sol Sister: Just be grateful for once.  The only reason anyone even notices you is because of me.

Luna Tunes: That’s it.  I’m blocking you.

Sol Sister: Come on, you are not.  Just grow up.

Luna Tunes:

Sol Sister: Hellooooo?

Luna Tunes:

Sol Sister: Fine.  I’m heading up, I’ll see you this afternoon, you big baby.

Luna Tunes:




Hope this finds you looking up









Copyright © 2024 David Smith


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